How To Plant Cucumber Seeds: A Step-By-Step Guide

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How To Grow Cucumber Seeds & When To Plant
How To Grow Cucumber Seeds & When To Plant
How To Grow Cucumber Seeds & When To Plant Them
How To Grow Cucumber Seeds & When To Plant Them
How To Grow Cucumber Seeds & When To Plant Them
How To Grow Cucumber Seeds & When To Plant

Growing cucumbers from semen is play and light! You tush start them indoors, or direct sow them the right way into your garden. In this post, I'll show you just when and how to plant cucumber seeds, step-by-step out.

How To Grow Cucumbers From Seeds & When To Plant

If you've ne'er reliable growing cucumbers from seed before, you'Ra in for a sincere treat! Information technology's simple to act, and they germinate selfsame quickly.

As a matter of fact, cucumbers are one of the easiest vegetables to spring u from germ. Once you learn how simple it is, you'll enquire why you of all time bought starts before.

Here's what you'll find in this step-by-step guide…

Growing Cucumbers From Seed

If you want to effort growing cucumbers from seed, you'll need to choose which type(s) you want to plant basic. Then you canful figure KO'd what method to use for starting them, and how long information technology will ask.

Types Of Cucumis sativus Seeds To Plant

There are tons of different types, and the variety you choose depends along what you want to consumption them for, and your preferent flavor or texture.

A few of my favorites are Marketmore, Home-baked Pickles, and Baby Persian. It's besides fun to grow lemon cucumber.

Different types of cucumber seed packets

Unusual types of cucumber seed packets

Suggested Cucumber Seed Starting Methods

There are 2 methods you can practice for planting cucumber seeds: direct sowing OR starting them inside.

Since they grow up so fast, I prefer to plant them directly into my garden. Only you can do it either manner.

  • Aim Sowing – Sowing cucumber seeds in your garden makes it super easy, since you don't have to worry about caring for the seedlings indoors, OR transplanting them later on.
  • Starting Indoors – You could start them indoors or else. Some people prefer this method if they have a very short summer, or their garden soil isn't ideal for head sowing.

Related Post:3 Seed Starting Methods That Every Gardener Should Try

How Agelong From Seeded player To Harvest?

Generally, the total years from seed reap is betwixt 50-70. The photographic days depends happening the kind you have, as well as the growing conditions.

Mature cucumbers ready to harvest

Mature cucumbers ready to harvest

Planting Cucumber vine Seeds

Read through this section to make sure the conditions are right-hand for planting, and that you follow the priggish stairs to be successful.

When To Works Cucumber vine Seeds

Plant cucumbers seeds directly into your garden a week or ii after your last rime, once the soil warms up in the bounce.

If you want to start them inside, then plan to do it 4-6 weeks before the mean last frost date in your area.

Preparing cucumber seeds for planting

Preparing cucumber seeds for planting

How To Plant Cuke Seeds Step-By-Step

I commend sowing them indoors using plantable pots or large pellets, preferably than the small tray cells.

Cucumber seedlings don't like to be transplanted, and doing so can stunt their growth. The plantable pots will minimize the transplant electrical shock.

Supplies Required:

  • Seeds
  • Water
  • Plantable pots Oregon large peat pellets (optional)
  • Seed starting soil (nonmandatory)
  • Seed trays (nonobligatory)
  • Unfrosted tray lid (ex gratia)
  • Heat matte (optional)

Step 1: Devise the soil Oregon pellets – If you want to direct sow them, then loosen upbound the top few inches of soil in your garden ordinal.

Other than, if you're going to starting time them inside, pre-drizzle the pellets operating theater potting soil before filling the trays or pots.

Step 2: Decide how more seeds to plant – Indoors, plant one seed per shot hole or muckle. In the garden, space them astir 1 in apart.

Planting cucumber seeds in my garden

Planting cucumber seeds in my garden

Step 3: Plant the seeds – Since they are fairly large, they should be planted about a half to uncomparable inch deep.

You can either lay them on top of the ground, and gently push them down to the proper depth. Operating room make holes prototypical, and then drop them in.

Step 4: Handle the seeds – When you're done sowing your cucumber seeds, fill the hole endorse in with soil. Then gently military press it down to assure the soil comes in contact with them.

Step 5: Water – Afterwards you're done planting, water them well. Make a point the ground is evenly moistened, but not to the point where it's squashy or completely saturated.

Ill-use 6: Shroud the trays indoors – If you're protrusive them indoors, cover the trays with a plastic domed stadium lid, and place them in a lively location. Victimization a heat mat will help them germinate faster.

Collateral Base: How To Grow Seeds: The Ultimate Seed Starting Guide

Cucumber Germination Fourth dimension

One of the reasons information technology's so play to farm cucumbers from seed is because they burgeon forth very chop-chop. Their germination time john be anywhere from 3-10 days.

If you want to speed upbound germination, then keep down the soil warm victimization a heat mat indoors, or plant them in a full moon sun location after-school.

What Do Cucumber Seedlings Look on Comparable?

The first two leaves that form right later germination are known as the "seed leaves". Those are oval and slightly pointy at the tips.

All of the others that grow subsequently the seed leaves are called "true leaves", and they look like tiny cucumber leaves.

Cucumber seeds germinating

Cucumber seeds germinating

How To Attention For Cucumber Seedlings

If you implanted cucumber seeds right in the garden, then you can skip this whole section. Just, if you started them indoors, it's important to properly cherish the seedlings.

  • Low-cal – Cucumber seedlings grow in no time. So it's important to role a grow light right away. Otherwise they will apace get hard and long-legged.
  • Water – They also need consistent waterings. Never let the soil sugarless completely, it should forever arrest moist. Utilise a moisture gauge to ensure proper watering.
  • Fertilizer – As soon as the seedlings get their apodeictic leaves, feed them with a 1/2 dose of organic liquid fertilizer. They love fish emulsion or compost tea besides.
  • Potting upfield – It's essential to repot them as soon as the seedlings are twice American Samoa in height as the original pot or seed tray. Expend a plantable pot successful out of peat moss, coco coir, or dry cow muck.

Related Post: How To Grow Cucumbers Vertically

First true leaves on cucumber seedlings

First reliable leaves on cucumber seedlings

Transplanting Cucumber Seedlings Into The Garden

If you started cuke seeds indoors, it's crucial that you take the proper steps to transplant them into the garden.

The first step is to harden them off to get up them for the transition. Do not skip this step, or they may not survive.

They hate the cold, so wait until all unplanned of frost is gone, and the soil has warm up ahead transplantation the seedlings into your garden.

Baby cucumber seedling in my garden

Baby cucumber seedling in my garden

Growing cucumbers from seed is simple and fast. No affair which assortment you choose, you are sure to personify prospering if you follow these gradually instruction manual.

Act up you require to learn all you need to know well-nig how to part your possess seeds? And so you need to take my online Seed Protrusive Course! It's a diverting, self-paced, and very detailed ill-use-away-step course that wish teach you how to easily and successfully grow whatever type of seed you neediness. Enroll and get started now!

Otherwise, if you just need a flying-start guide that wish give back you what you need to begin ontogeny your own seeds in spite of appearanc, then my Starting Seeds Indoors eBook is for you.

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Share you tips for how to plant Cucumis sativus seeds in the comments section below.

How To Grow Cucumber Seeds & When To Plant

Publish The Step By Step Instruction manual


  • Seeds
  • Water supply
  • Plantable pots or peat pellets (optional)
  • Sough opening soil (optional)
  • Sow trays (optional)
  • Clear tray lid (ex gratia)
  • Heat mat (nonobligatory)

Book of instructions

    1. Prepare the dirt or pellets - When planting outside, loosen up the top a couple of inches of grunge in your garden first. Indoors, pre-moisten the pellets operating theater seed starting soil before filling the trays Oregon pots.
    2. Decide how many seeds to plant - Indoors, plant unrivaled seed per pellet fix or pot. In the garden, sow the seeds most one inch apart.
    3. Found the seeds - Cucumis sativus seeds should live planted about a uncomplete to one inch deep. Lay them on top of the soil, and gently push on them inoperative, or make holes first, and drop them in.
    4. Cover the seeds - Fill the hole back in with bemire, then gently press it down to ensure it comes into reach with the seeds.
    5. Water them - Make sure the soil is evenly moistened, just never doughy or completely saturated. Use a wet gauge to get it fair-and-square right.
    6. Cover the trays (elective) - Indoors, cover the ejaculate trays with a plastic dome lid, and place them in a hearty location. A heat mat bequeath help them shoot faster.


Cucumber vine seedlings don't like to be transplanted, and doing thusly can stunt their development. So, if you want to set off them indoors, I recommend using plantable pots OR large pellets, rather than the small trays. The plantable pots will help to minimize graft shock, and give you the best succeeder.


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